Friday, 3 February 2012

Well.  After a long break and having been Particularly Puggled, I have decided to blog again to showcase some of the art and crafts swaps I have been in with some of the most talented crafters I know.  I can't promise to blog regularly, but will do my best!

The latest has been the Secret Books Swap.  I have been the extremely lucky recipient of 2 fabulous pieces of work.  The first was from Anne - a Steampunk Secret Book you can see showcased on her blog Anne-ecdotes.  The second was from Annette, all the way from Canada, and showcased on her blog Scrap Happens Here.  Both very different and both amazing work and the most wonderful crafty pieces to treasure in the secret drawers.

The instructions for this "secret book" are here and it has taken me well out of my comfort zone.  RL and health issues have bitten me on the bum and I have only managed to finish my first book and had to email my second recipient to apologise and explain.  Luckily for me, she is one understanding woman.  I have all the bits for the book, just want do this special swap justice and not rush for the sake of it.

Anyhoo, the theme for my first recipient is "Masks" and I have no idea why, but I felt the need to get my acrylics and watercolours out, which meant lots of drying times (note to self - do NOT assemble the book BEFORE decorating).  I haven't shown the contents of the drawers (you can just see the little handles at the top of the photos.  Apart from my lacking in photography skills, I hope I have done this justice and that Frances likes the actual book!

Righty Ho - off to carry on with the second book!
